Dec 17, 2012

Best word to describe last week: crazy! Thursday and Friday I decided to opt out of blogging to save me as much time as possible to get ready for my pop:up shop that I threw over the weekend...which was a great success for such short notice. I will be posting about that at the end of today as well as announce the raffle winners! :)

So for now...back to organizing...
we got loads more videos folks and tons more tips from my mom! 

What to ask yourself while going through the organizing/de-junking process.... a.k.a:

Here are a few more thoughts on storing in drawstring bags: Hanging as much as possible frees up shelf space for all those things that can’t be hung. For instance, if you store extras of your favorite foods, look what can be tucked into bags and hung, so that you have more shelf space for what you can’t hang. Put all your extra herbs and spices in a drawstring bag and hang them up—they don’t need to sit on a shelf. Then you have more space for a few extra cans or bottles of olive oil, or packages of pasta, and so on. You get the idea.

And get creative about this hanging. You can insert screw hooks under shelves along the back wall and hang from them. If you’re storing in a basement, you can put nails or srew hooks into ceiling joists and hang from them. Or if you have a crawl space, consider storing there by hanging bags from the floor joists.

Finally, don’t forget to label your bags if you need to. This can save you time and energy in the long run.

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